New Year, New Love

Let 2012 be
Your Year
to Find True Love!


Here are some interesting statistics from the US Census Bureau:

  • There are 99.6 million unmarried people over the age of 18 in the U.S
  • This represents 44% of the adult population.
  • 39.2% of the unmarried population over the age of 18 was formerly married
  • 60.8% have always been single

Today represents the largest percentage of single people in the United States since 1920 AND in 1920 the statistics included 15, 16, and 17 year olds!

What are the reasons for this significant change in marriage and relationships?

  • People are marrying for much different reasons than ever before. For thousands of years people married for procreation purposes only.  Then marriage expanded to include political and socio-economic reasons mainly for family positioning or to share in the work and household responsibilities.
  • Divorces once very rare are prominent today. The first time divorce rates were even significant was in 1970 and the rate was 22%.  By 2010 the divorce rate more than doubled to 50% of all marriages ending in divorce, only 40 years later.  This is a tiny amount of time for such a significant change in marriage and relationships between men and women.
  • Women have more choices and opportunities. Women were not given the right to vote until the 19th Amendment to the Constitution in 1920. Yet today more women attend colleges and universities than men.  Today women make up 46.7% of the labor force and 51.5% of management, professional and related positions.  This is another significant change in a very short period of time.
  • Technology and medical advancement have enabled people to have babies later in life. People can adopt babies from all around the world.  Women can have babies at later ages much more safely and people can have babies without needing to be married or even have a partner!
  • In today's world we have many, many choices, and not a lot of experience making "relationship" choices. This is the first time in history people really have had the opportunity to choose their life partners. Love and fulfillment is now our primary relationship objectives. In the past, issues  like shared values, chemistry and compatibility were not even considered when deciding who to marry. As a result, there are not a lot of good relationship role models. The number of truly fulfilled, loving couples is not very high as evidenced by the divorce rate today.

Today you have more choices available to you than ever before. You can choose the life you want to have and the partner you want to marry.

So if now we are marrying for love and fulfillment why aren't there more loving fulfilled relationships?

Consider it humanity's relationship growing pains! We are leaving behind our awkward adolescents and getting clear on "who we want to be in relationship when we grow up".  Like adolescents, when you first start to experience freedom and have choices, you have to learn what you want. And most of the time we learn what we want by first experiencing what we don't want!

So as a result of all this new found freedom and choices, and because most of us have now experienced a lot of what we don't want in relationship, you now have more opportunity to experience True Love than ever before.  

So how do you take advantage of this great opportunity, how do you find True Love?

There are three steps you need to do find your True Love.

  • Active the energy of True Love within you.  There are 7 energies of true love.  These are Love, Light, Beauty, Sensuality, Joy, Gratitude and Responsibility.
  • Ready yourself and your life to receive your true love. This is accomplished by healing from past pain, letting go of limiting beliefs and adopting an attitude of co-creation and partnership in your life NOW.
  • Connect to your True Love and ask to receive your True Love into your Life.

Do these sound hard or overwhelming to you?

Accomplishing any new goal requires help.  This is especially true if you don't want to waste time, make unnecessary mistakes and if you have high standards for what you want.  All truly successful people find a mentor and ask for help.

The good news is that we have developed a new groundbreaking program which actually accomplishes all three steps for finding True Love in just 21 days.  

And the good news is, you don't have to DO anything.  In just 15 – 20 minutes per day for only 21 days you will be completely ready to bring your True Love into your life, if not before. 

If 2012 is your year to find True Love, join us here for the Receiving True Love 21 Day Meditation.

We are offering a unique opportunity to the valued members of our Dating for True Love Community to receive this powerful, life changing 21 day meditation absolutely free.

Please consider this our New Year's gift to you, for being such a valued member of our community.

Let 2012 be your year for finding True Love!