Are you a woman who is successful in every area of her life but love?
Tired of wasting your valuable time in relationships with the wrong men?

Are You a Magnet for the Unavailable Man?
Do you feel like you have a sign on your forehead that says “I am a target for unavailable men?” I know many women who feel this way. Let’s take Kim for example. Brad winked at Kim on She thought he was cute so she emailed him. They exchanged emails and he...

Dumped After Just One Date!
When I first started dating I made a ton of dating mistakes. I was always attracting great men, but since my divorce I struggled to have the type of committed, loving relationship I wanted. But here is my never-revealed-before story of how I was dumped after...

The 3 Magic Ingredients for Finding True Love
What are the three magic ingredients for finding love? Your thoughts, beliefs and actions all need to be in alignment! HOW YOUR BELIEF’S AFFECT YOUR LIFE. Many of your beliefs are formed as children as you watch your parents and observe the relationships around you....